Diana Tsai
October 30, 2021

The biggest companies in the world gave up. Wall Street wrote it off as a lost cause. 17 years and hundreds of billions of dollars later, a potential cure for Alzheimer’s has finally been created…by a Good Unicorn.

Let’s dive into the deep end with Martin Tolar, Founder and CEO of Alzheon.

Diana Tsai: A pill to stop Alzheimer’s. Is it real?

Martin Tolar: Yes. We’ve developed the first oral pill with the potential to slow or even prevent the disease.

Tsai: Does the pill slow, stop, or reverse Alzheimer’s?

Tolar: Since our pill is attacking the initial toxic insult that leads to Alzheimer’s disease, we believe it has the potential to stop the disease in its tracks. The favorable safely profile of our treatment allows such early intervention, years and decades before the brain damage results in clinical onset of the disease. Since the main and overwhelming risk for Alzheimer is aging (one third of 80 year-olds have clinical disease), everyone over 40 or 50 could be a candidate for treatment.

That said, for approval, we must follow a path of evaluating the effect of our pill on the disease in symptomatic patients, because this is where we have clinical tests & tools to evaluate the efficacy. Our current Phase study, which we believe could lead to approval, is conducted in patients with early Alzheimer’s. Preventive Phase 3 study will come next, also aided by effects we have shown on biomarkers of the disease in our ongoing Phase 2 biomarker study.

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